Dear Editor,
Regarding the embarrassing rant last week from someone who pretended to see “Yo Mama” but never did, and who doesn’t seem to know what actors do … which is to use their body, voice and training to portray the diversity of any place, any thing and any one: This is ignorance at its finest and deserves to be ignored and forgotten like flushed poop. I have seen world-famous Broadway musicals. I have seen performances by Whoopi Goldberg, Lily Tomlin and Robin Williams, and now Kaki Hunter as “Yo Mama” and she is in their rank. I have seen the creative collaboration and dedication of Kaki Hunter, Doni Kiffmeyer and friends bring to life a compassionately caring character who sings, dances and brings wisdom as well as laughter, tears and “Aha” moments. This is theater at its best! “Yo Mama” and her perspectives have changed my life for the better. Go and see for yourself and have a magical theatrical experience!