Jeep ad promotes illegal activities

Dear Editor,

Jeep’s Super Bowl advertisement advocated at least three activities for the Moab area that are illegal.

1. The Corona Arch Swing in the advertisement was made illegal in 2014, after multiple injuries and at least one death. Jeep could be held responsible for any future injuries or deaths.

2. Driving off-road in the Moab area has been illegal on both BLM and National Forest properties for many years. The scene in the Super Bowl advertisement where Jeeps are racing across country is advocating the destruction of federal property. Moab’s Jeep clubs advocate that all vehicles stay on the roads and ride with respect.

3. The Super Bowl advertisement contains a picture of trees that were probably circled by vehicles for an illegal race track. Juniper trees have very shallow root systems, and advocating this type of destructive playing will kill the trees. Several areas that were used for race tracks in the Moab area have since been closed to all camping by the BLM.

Moab’s economy depends on tourism. The national parks in the Moab area have over 2 million visits per year. The public lands surrounding the parks provide recreation for other millions. The destruction of public lands will significantly reduce the incomes of over 9,000 people and businesses in the area.

Jeep should apologize to the residents of Moab. The Jeep exhibit during our annual Jeep Safari in April 2016 would be the best place to post the apology. Advocating the destruction of federal property should be illegal.