Moab Sea Devils place first

The Moab Sea Devils competed with the Castle Valley Barracudas and the Vernal Vipers at a home tournament Saturday, Jan. 18 held at the Moab Recreation and Aquatic Center.

The overall team earned 1344 points; with girls earning 641 and boys earning 703. The Vernal Vipers placed second overall with a total of 1046 points; 604 earned by the girls and 442 earned by the boys. The Castle Valley Barracudas came in third with an overall score of 748 points; with 279 earned by the girls and 469 earned by the boys.

Moab placed first in the mixed 8 and under 100-yard medley with a time of 1:46, with London Niesen, Indiana Richards, Rhiannon Hren and Magnus Shannon swimming.

Moab placed first in the age 9 to 10, 100-yard medley with a time of 1:29, with Stryder Young, Anika Scherer, Rowan Murdock and Ryder Murdock swimming.

Moab placed first in the age 13 and older 200-yard medley with a time of 2:31.50 with Trayken Robertson, London Richards, Braxton Pierce and Ridge Murdock swimming.

Moab placed first in the girls age 8 and under 100-yard freestyle medley with a time of 1:40.55, with Indiana Richards, Rhiannon Hren, London Niessen and Nicholas Hren swimming.

Moab placed first in the mixed age 13 and older 200-yard freestyle relay with a time of 2:15.80, with London Richards, Tava Walling, Ridge Murdock and Braxten Pierce swimming.

Indiana Richards placed first in the girls age 7 to 8 50-yard freestyle with a time of 48.95, with Rhiannon Hren following closely behind with a time of 50.80. Indiana Richards also placed first in the girls age 8 and under 25-yard butterfly with a time of 25.16.

Rowan Murdock placed first in the boys age 9 to 10 50-yard freestyle with a time of 39.85, with Stryder Young following closely in second with a time of 42.42.

Tava Walling took first in the girls age 11 to 12 with a time of 1:29.90.

London Richards took home four first place ribbons for the girls age 13 and older 100-yard freestyle race with a time of 1:08.50; 100-yard breaststroke with a time of 1:23.84; 50-yard freestyle with a time of 31.42 and the 50-yard butterfly with a time of 37.09.

Braxten Pierce took home four first place ribbons for the boys age 13 to 14 100-yard backstroke with a time of 1:13.64; the 200-yard IM with a time of 2:34.37, the 50-yard freestyle with a time of 27.82.

and the 50-yard butterfly with a time of 34.66.

Nicholas Hren took home four first place ribbons in the boys age 7 to 8 with a time of 26.47 in the 25-yard breaststroke, 100-yard IM with a time of 2:02.22, and 25-yard butterfly with at time of 28.18, and the 25-yard freestyle with a time of 21.29.

Rowan Murdock took home two first place ribbons in the boys age 9 to 10 25-yard breaststroke with at time of 26.83 and the 25-yard freestyle with a time of 17.73.

Geneva Richards took home two first place ribbons in the girls age six and under 25-yard backstroke with a time of 39.08; and 25-yard freestyle with a time of 36.25.

Stryder Young placed first in the boys age 9 to 10, 25-yard backstroke with a time of 22.54, followed closely by Rowan Murdock in second with a time of 22.93 and Ryder Murdock with a time of 24.93.

Tryaken Robertson placed first in the boys age 11 to 12 50-yard backstroke with a time of 48.53.

Rhiannon Hren placed first in the girls age 7 to 8 25-yard breaststroke with a time of 26.81.

Tava Walling placed first with at time of 52.25 in the girls age 11 to 12 50-yard breaststroke.

Ridge Murdock placed first in the boys age 11 to 12 50-yard breaststroke with a time of 43.04.

Swimmers win medleys and individual races