Grand County doesn’t have enough applicants to fill positions that are open on county boards.
“The boards do the work of the county,” said Grand County Council chair Gene Ciarus. “They do what the county can’t do.”
Applications were originally due Oct. 30. However, due to so many openings yet to be filled and few applicants, the county is accepting applications.
The Grand County Council won’t appoint boardmembers until January, or later, to allow boards to review and make recommendations on candidates.
Councilmen Rory Paxman and Lynn Jackson said at the county council’s Tuesday, Dec. 3 meeting that they were “beating the bushes” to find qualified people to apply.
Melody Harkwright, the administrative assistant in the county council and administrator’s office said that applications received after the deadline are considered “late”; and it is up to the individual boards to choose whether or not to accept “late” applications.
“Some have already made their recommendations,” Harkwright said. “I’m sure that boards that have not received enough applications to fill their vacancies will be happy to accept late applications and make recommendations up until the Jan. 7 meeting.”
At this time, the Historical Preservation has two more vacancies than applications; Canyonlands Health Care Special Service District has one more vacancies than applicants; as do the Weed Board and Thompson Fire District. There have been no applicants for the Transportation District or Moab Mosquito Abatement positions that are open. The Board of Adjustment needs two more applicants in order to have alternates.
There are two boards that have the same number of applicants as positions open, such as one for the Travel Council Advisory Board and one for the Public Health Board.
There are a few with more candidates than positions, such as four applications for two vacancies on the Airport Board; two for one vacancy on the Council of Aging; five for three positions on the Planning Commission.
County seeks applicants for boards and districts
“The boards do the work of the county. They do what the county can’t do.”
Applications for county boards are available in the Grand County administrator’s office at 125 E. Center St.