November is a beautiful time of transition to slow down and go inward. All of the plants and critters are doing it and we can learn a thing or two if we follow suit.
Our world and our lives have become a go-go-go, do-do-do kind of place. Is there anyone else that feels like there aren’t enough hours in the day to get it all done?
We rush around – running here and there – and end up exhausted, reaching for the next source of energy to keep us going such as another cup of coffee or sugar-laden something or other, when we really just need to rest.
Days full of never ending to-do lists, duties, obligations and busyness have become our lives where we spend our time doing things that we think we should yet we don’t really want to.
I like to say that life is short, but life is also a long time.
In the big scheme of things, life here on planet Earth is a gift, far too precious to be spent running around like a rat in a race. If we want our lives to be balanced and healthy, we need more down time and more time for self-care where quantity over quality is a priority rather than how many to-do’s we cross off the list.
Can we make it a priority to plan less in a day, to prioritize things that make our hearts sing and feed us deep?
Where can we find ease in the midst of stress? How can we cultivate the art of going slowly? When we go slow, we are less likely to miss a sweet spot in between; it’s easier to relax, it’s easier to be in the flow, it’s just plain EASE-ier.
Not used to it? Don’t know how?
Here are a few tips for Getting Slow:
*Leave space in your schedule for a short walk;
*Light a candle while you cook dinner.
*Put your fork down in between bites.
*Give yourself five extra minutes and take a different route to work.
*At the next red light, take three deep belly breaths, and then smile.
*Close your eyes while you’re waiting for your computer to turn on.
*Before you spring out of bed, lie there for a few moments and think about what you want to happen in your day.
Adding in a moment here and a moment there for slowness is a simple practice that yields a profound effect on your well-being. Revel in the spaces in between equals less stress, more happiness.
Take it from Gandhi who said, “There is more to life than increasing its speed.”