20 Questions with Amy Stocks

Amy Stocks is a fifth generation Moabite. If she were president she would enforce mandatory nap-time followed by 30 minutes of yoga every afternoon. She’d like to be a kangaroo because they always move forward.

1) What initially brought you to Moab?

I am a fifth generation Moabite.

2) What do you love most about living in Moab?

The supportive, accepting, diverse and collaborative community that is here.

3) What do you dislike about living in Moab?

The limited access to art, dance and live music performances.

4) What is your occupation?

A little of this and a little of that. Right now intensely focused on Moab Pride work!

5) If you could have any job in the world, what would you most like to do?

I would travel the world working with disadvantaged teens, building community centers that house them and promote local artists.

6) Describe a typical day in your life.

Run/yoga/swim, coffee/juice, doggy time, work, eat, work, hike, play drums, stargaze, crash.

7) Some people have bumper stickers on their cars that read: I’d Rather be Sailing. What would your bumper sticker read? I’d Rather Be…

Traveling the world.

8) Tell us one thing people don’t usually know about you.

I hate avocados.

9) In high school, you would have been considered the person most likely to…

Work for or become a politician.

10) What is your favorite Moab activity?

Depends on the time of year: boating in the spring, swimming/lounging in the summer, climbing in the fall, snowboarding in the winter and hiking all year round.

11) Tell us your favorite non-Moab place to visit.

Anywhere by the ocean.

12) What do you consider your greatest achievement in life?

To date, quitting smoking and running a half marathon. I never thought either would happen.

13) If you were President, what’s the first thing you’d do to make life better in America?

I would enforce mandatory nap-time followed by 30 minutes of yoga every afternoon.

14) What superhero power would you most like to have?

The power to teleport, now you see me now you…

15) If you could be an animal, what would it be? Why?

I would be a kangaroo because they are incredibly strong, expert jumpers, strong swimmers, very social and cannot go backwards only forwards.

16) What is your all time favorite movie?


17) And, your all time favorite book?

“The Giving Tree”

18) If you were stranded on a desert island, which three CDs would you want to have with you?

The Yeah Yeah Yeah’s “Show Your Bones”, Radiohead’s “Hail to the Thief” and an incredible mix tape

19) If you could have dinner with anyone, living or dead, who would it be? Why?

My dad. Because I admire him, miss him and have some unanswered questions and advice I would like to glean from him.

20) What is your life philosophy?

Try everything at least once.