City Recreation


Eighth grade football sign-up is now open. The first team meeting and practice will be held at the Center Street Ballpark 7:30 p.m., Monday, Aug. 5. Parents should attend this first meeting. This all-8th grade team practices daily at the Center Street Ballpark. Games are scheduled weekly with other Middle Schools in the region, both home (at the Grand County High School filed) and away. Fee is $60.


Girl’s Middle School Volleyball sign-up is now open. The first meeting will be held from 6 to 7:30 p.m., Monday, Aug. 13 at the Middle School gymnasium. Parents should attend. The team will also meet from 6 to 7:30 p.m., Tuesday and Wednesday, Aug. 14 and 15. All players must attend the first three meetings. Fee: $40.

Youth Tackle Football

Youth Tackle Football sign-up is now open. Leagues are divided into fourth / fifth grade and sixth / seventh grade. Practices begin Aug. 22, season ends Oct. 20. Games are played on weeknights and Saturday mornings against other Moab teams, as well as teams in the surrounding area. Some travel is required. Fee $55.

Youth Volleyball

Registration for youth volleyball for children between third and sixth grade is now open. Coed leagues are divided into two divisions: third / fourth grade and fifth / sixth grade. All practices and games will be in the Center Street Gym. Practices begin Sept. 9. Season ends Oct. 25. Assessments for third / fourth grade will be at 5:15 p.m., Tuesday, Sept. 3; assessments for fifth / sixth grade will be 5:15 p.m., Wednesday, Sept. 4. Fee: $35.

Flag Football

Flag football registration for children in first through third grade is now open. First practice will be 5:30 p.m., Tuesday, Sept. 17 at the Center Street Ballpark. Fee: $25.

Fall Coed Soccer

Registration for coed soccer for children five years old through third grade is now open. Teams practice on Mondays and play games on Wednesdays. All practices and games are at the Center Street Ballpark. Fee is $20 + $10 if a reversible mesh Moab Soccer jersey is needed. First practice is 5:30 p.m., Monday, Sept. 16 at the Center Street Ballpark.