Moab Roller Derby beat Junction City Roller Girls in Ogden during a tightly matched game with multiple lead changes. Moab pulled ahead in the last jam to take the win 203 to 191 on Saturday, April 27. Front row from left to right: Andrea “MILF Marauder” Lopez, Sariah “Whiplash” Ellsmore, Heather “Track Hoe” Perry, Jessica “Evil Lucian” O’Leary, Ann “BreakHer” Rightsell, Jamie “Bratty Cakes” Simpson. Back row from left to right: Jazmine “Ready r Knot” Duncan, Lindsay “Mad Eye Molly” Brian, Steve Heath, Deanne “Kickin’ Assets” Evans, Nicole “Pain in the Nikki” Parker, Maureen “Mosama bin Lappin” Clapper, Maddie “Rockin the Floss” Berserra.Not pictured, Andrea “Hot Pantz” Jackson. [Maddie Berserra / Photo courtesy Moab Roller Derby]
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