Most people know her as the Kindergarten-third grade principal at Helen M. Knight. But, do they know she loves to dance and ride her horse? She also gets to go home each night to a great meal prepared by her husband and Moab chef Tim Buckingham.
1) What initially brought you to Moab?
I was raised in Moab, but left immediately after graduating. My husband issued a proposal I couldn’t refuse in 1996, so I returned to live here in 1997.
2) What do you love most about living in Moab?
The sense of community. Even with a population as diverse as ours, there are so many great community efforts that you don’t always see in rural towns. And then there’s always the great outdoors here that we get to play in!
3) What do you dislike about living in Moab?
I work to buy local, but the shopping options are pretty narrow.
4) What is your occupation?
Principal, grades K-3, HMK Elementary School.
5) If you could have any job in the world, what would you most like to do?
Exercise dressage horses for the US Olympic team.
6) Describe a typical day in your life.
Get up. Coffee up. Enjoy sunrise over the desert on my drive into town. Meet with teachers, students and/or parents according to need and what my calendar says. Observe in classrooms (a favorite part of my job!). Work with staff and colleagues to constantly improve what we are doing for our kids. Go home and enjoy my husband’s company and cooking.
7) Some people have bumper stickers on their car that reads: I’d Rather be Sailing. What would your bumper sticker read? I’d Rather Be…
Riding (my horse).
8) Tell us one thing people don’t usually know about you.
I love to dance.
9) In high school, you would have been considered the person most likely to…
Oh boy…in high school?
Probably to do something outrageous.
10) What is your favorite Moab activity?
Moab Music Festival and the Art Walks (although I don’t get out to those as much as I’d like to).
11) Tell us your favorite non-Moab place to visit.
Santa Barbara, CA; Durango, CO; Hawaii.
12) What do you consider your greatest achievement in life?
Raising a stepson who is an exceptional human being. I’m also proud of the fact that I am a persistent life long learner.
13) If you were President, what’s the first thing you’d do to make life better in America?
Further the efforts for affordable health care.
14) What superhero power would you most like to have?
15) If you could be an animal, what would it be? Why?
A red tail hawk. They are just so glorious in flight!
16) What is your all time favorite movie?
“Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?” and/or a movie called “Daddy and Them”
17) And, your all time favorite book?
Almost anything by author Jim Harrison.
18) If you were stranded on a desert island, which three CDs would you want to have with you?
Bruce Springsteen “Live from New York City”; John Prine “Bruised Orange”; and Band of Heathens “The Band of Heathens”.
19) If you could have dinner with anyone, living or dead, who would it be?
Bruce Springsteen.
Because I was so energized walking out of his performance that I felt like I was about four feet off the ground. I also admire his dedication to his city and our nation.
20) What is your life philosophy?
One of my favorite quotes is “Do the thing you fear the most and death of fear is certain” (Samuel Langhorne Clemens). You never know what you are capable of or who you can become until you swallow some fear, take a deep breath and wade right into it. The mistakes you make and the setbacks you encounter just serve to make you stronger and smarter for the next time around.