Bernie Radcliffe
– As reported to Meredith Mirrington
Bernie Radcliffe came to Moab on vacation in 1957 and, seven years later, found himself doing river tours calling Moab home. Since then, he has discovered a love for hiking (especially in October) gardening (for his love of hot sauce) and watching his two favorite movies “Schindler’s List’ and “The African Queen.” Find out what else Bernie treasures, below.
1) What initially brought you to Moab?
My dad brought the family out from Indiana in 1957 for a vacation. We enjoyed the area so much that we started coming back. In 1964, my dad and I started worked for Tex McClatchy doing river tours – the rest is history.
2) What do you love most about living in Moab?
So much to do – hiking, jeeping, water sports, general outdoor activities.
3) What do you dislike about living in Moab?
It is beginning to get too big.
4) What is your occupation?
Retired schoolteacher.
5) If you could have any job in the world, what would you most like to do?
I enjoyed teaching and if I had to have any job, I would still be a teacher.
6) Describe a typical day in your life.
Since retiring, I work most of my time in my garden. I love making my own hot sauces. After providing for my needs, I give all my produce away to those who need it.
7) Some people have bumper stickers on their car that reads: I’d Rather be Sailing. What would your bumper sticker read? I’d Rather Be…
8) Tell us one thing people don’t usually know about you.
I met my brother for the first time in 56 years. It was an exciting moment for me this summer.
9) In high school, you would have been considered the person most likely to…
…Be tackling dummy for the Green Bay Packers.
10) What is your favorite Moab activity?
Hiking during October. It is the most beautiful time in Moab.
11) Tell us your favorite non-Moab place to visit.
I love visiting other places in the world. Every place has something interesting to offer.
12) What do you consider your greatest achievement in life?
Raising two of the greatest kids this world has seen. (Yes, I know I’m biased, but I still believe it.)
13) If you were President, what’s the first thing you’d do to make life better in America?
Get rid of the wasteful spending and encourage people to focus on helping each other and not worry about what is in it for them.
14) What superhero power would you most like to have?
15) If you could be an animal, what would it be? Why?
A lion…why not?
16) What is your all time favorite movie?
“Schindler’s List” and “The African Queen”
17) And, your all time favorite book?
“To Kill A Mockingbird”
18) If you were stranded on a desert island, which three CDs would you want to have with you?
“Vivaldi,” “Best of Bill Cosby” and “Arrangements of Contemporary Christian Music”
19) If you could have dinner with anyone, living or dead, who would it be? Why?
Billy Graham or Tony Dungy
20) What is your life philosophy?
God loves me and has a plan for me. I try to do what honors Him. I falter, but He is there to help me.