You can now drink alcohol at Swanny Park or the Center Street Ballfield.
Before you do, however, you need a single event license from the State of Utah, as well as a parks use permit, special event license, and beer permit from the City of Moab.
Moab city councilmen amended the municipal code pertaining to the consumption of alcohol in public places at their July 31 council meeting. Before the code was amended alcohol consumption was prohibited in all public buildings, streets and parks – with the exception of private events at the Moab Arts and Recreation Center.
“Our city code did not allow consumption in public places,” said Rachel Stenta, Moab city recorder.
The amended code now allows the sale and consumption of alcohol at Swanny Park, the Center Street Ballfield, the MARC, on a public street and at county-owned facilities, such as the Grand Center or Star Hall, if certain conditions are met.
Those conditions are having the proper permits and licenses, as appropriate.
“It’s not just our hoops to jump through. There is the state, too,” Stenta said.
A single event license from the state’s Department of Alcohol and Beverage Control allows for cash bars and the sale of alcoholic beverages during the duration of the event.
“The state regulates these pretty tightly,” Stenta said.
Events at Swanny Park and Center Street Ballfield have certain limitations, such as limiting alcohol consumption between the hours of 11 a.m. and 7 p.m., as well as remaining at least 100 feet away from playgrounds, the Skatepark and the Moab Recreation and Aquatic Center.
Councilman Greg Stucki said that he wanted to re-evaluate the amended code in a year.
“This moves us in a new direction that I am not entirely comfortable with. Responsible consumption of alcohol is not a problem,” he said. “The problem is how do we control these events so it does not get out of control? My concern is for kids and families and the consumption of alcohol. That is not a good mix.”
By having county-owned facilities such as Star Hall and the Grand Center designated as performing arts venues, there is no need to get a special event license from the City of Moab as long as the county approves the event. However, if alcohol is to be served, one needs to have the single event license from the State of Utah and a beer permit from the City of Moab.
According to Grand Center policy, private events, such as a wedding, could serve alcohol. However, before the code was amended at the last city council meeting, it would have against the law because the Grand Center is a public building.
“If someone had a private event at the Grand Center and served alcohol, it wouldn’t have been legal,” Metzler said. “There is now no confusion about what is allowed in those facilities. If you serve alcohol you get a license.”
Councilman Jeff Davis requested that alcohol sales and consumption at public venues be limited to 11 p.m.
The code was also amended to allow the sale or consumption of alcohol on a city street to be able to accommodate an event like a beer festival.
To do so, one would have the additional hoop of having permission from the Moab City Council to temporarily close a city street to traffic. The other limitation is allowing for the sale and consumption of alcohol between the hours of 11 a.m. and 9 p.m.