July 3 letter from Grand County Council to BLM

July 3, 2012

Juan Palma, BLM Utah State Director

Shelley Smith, Canyon Country District Manager

Jeffrey Smith, Moab Field Office Manager

Brent Northrup, Master Leasing Plan Project Manager

RE: Letter from Grand County Regarding Proposed Master Leasing Plan

Amendments to 2008 Moab Resource Management Plan (RMP)

Gentlemen and Ms. Smith:

We are writing to rescind the letter you received from Grand County dated June 26, 2012. The letter was sent without going through the public process and was never approved by the Grand County Council as a whole. We look forward to continuing as Cooperating Partners as you go through the Master Leasing Plan Amendments Process and apologize for any inconvenience this letter may have caused.

Sincerely yours,

Gene L. Ciarus, Chair

Grand County Council

cc: Governor Gary Herbert

Utah Congressional Delegation

Utah Association of Counties

    1. Councilman: BLM, SUWA held closed meeting on land use